Thursday, August 2, 2012

Camping Snapshot II: Pancakes in a Can!

I think for my first camping trip in over a decade I got spoiled by this group.  We had so much food and so many luxuries during our "roughing it", it is kind of comical.  We kept making jokes that we had everything except the kitchen sink.  And then I found an add for a camping kitchen sink, only $50... totally have to get it now just to be the one to say... oh "it's cool guys I got the kitchen sink"!

I did discover that you pancakes can come in a can.  Completely organic too! lol

We had a few lessons in Ax wielding for our Ax Beginners, for those moments when the logs you buy pre-cut are just too big and you want something smaller.  We came prepared, we had three varieties of wood cutting implements that were pulled out.  My guess is if we asked there may have been more... a little on the prepared side we were.  Crabs, Crawdads, Sausage/Corn Pancakes, Eggs, and I can't remember everything else... but lots of food and decadence. 

My role was commentator and woo-girl while sitting next to said fire.  Woo!

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