Thursday, August 2, 2012

Camping Snapshot III: Going Down & Under - Busting Cherries

I got to play in some boats during the trip, I totally cheated on Lola and I didn't care.  Not one for the Poly-amorous lifestyle that is prevalent in PDX... as I am way too territorial about my man meat once I stake a claim, however in regards to kayaks I am totally Poly.  I have come to terms with it.  Lola will have to find her way of handling it as well.

I went into the weekend wanting to do a couple of things.  The big one was falling into the water.  On purpose.  Flipping my boat in a controlled environment.  Choosing when and where I lost my boat tipping virginity.  It was a beautiful spot for it for sure.  I will remember it always. And I did it with another boat first before Lola.  I got in a play-boat which is way different than Lola.  Lola is this sturdy thing that is stable and barely needs anything to control her.  When I was taking instruction from a friend he kept saying "keep your hips loose, use your hips"... well with Lola I didn't need to do any of that so I just sort of thought he was being perverted and wanting to see me wiggle around more, which I of course happily did.  But then I got in a little play boat... ooh daddy is all I got to say.  Well no it isn't actually.  Let me tell you I think some belly dancing classes would come in handy for Kayaking.  The little play boats are extremely sensitive to hip movements, much like most men are...

So as I am moving around my hips and playing I get caught in a little current and Bam!  I felt myself going and I just went with the flow.  It was a lot scarier thinking about falling out and doing a wet exit than it was doing it.  It was kind of fun to do it.  So I kept doing it... a lot.  I just kept falling out of whichever boat I was playing in just because.  Sometimes on purpose and sometimes not so much.

So I ended up taking a creek boat down some rapids, at first I had a bigger boat but one of the other girls was having issues with how tippy creek boats are and she kept falling in, a rope rescue had to be done as she came down the rapids sans boat, so I switched with her because as I have established... I kind of enjoy falling in and plus I was better equipped to get myself out and back in the water than she was so it just seemed logical.  It's what I do :).

Okay let's be honest for a second... I wasn't being totally self-less.  I wanted to play in another boat... yes I am a Boat-Ho, I admit it.  I have a problem, I love boats and I want to play with them all.  Let's not limit that to just kayaks.  If it floats on water... I want to play with it.

So I did my first rapids. I looked uber dorky in a borrowed helmet, so going to have to get something that brings out the blue in my eyes and accessorize properly... something cute in a dark purple or blue color I am thinking.

But I did it.  I did white water :)  I am now a full on junkie.

Me looking uber dorky after running white water and successfully staying in the boat :).  I had a mishap during one rapid where I didn't keep paddling and I started woo-ing too soon.  Well premature Woo-ing can lead to a wet exit pretty darn quick let me just tell you.  I came out of the water still Woo-ing though :).

Of course I put my fins on to do some swimming proper like.  So me and one of the guys were putzing around in our fins when I just looked at him with what I know had to be a gleam in my eye and said, "let's go down the rapids in our fins!" giggling a little maniacally.... his response "where do you think I was headed?".  Love it when there is a true partner in crime beside me.

Well it was fun as shit.  I have the black and blue marks from being pounded against river rocks as a memory.  My ass is literally black and blue... The rocks spanked me like I was a bad little girl, lol.

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